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Dental Emergencies

See Us For Urgent Dental Care

  • We’ll get you in as soon as possible
  • Relax with pillows & blankets during your visit
  • Trust in our skills & experience with emergencies
Get Fast Help From Your South Holland Emergency Dentist

Get Fast Help From Your South Holland Emergency Dentist

Just like any other kind of emergency, a dental emergency can happen when you least expect it. It seems that they also happen at the least convenient time. If you find yourself needing help from an emergency dentist in South Holland, your team at Artistic Dental Centre can help take care of your smile. We will:

  • Schedule you in as soon as possible, if not the same day you call
  • Assess your immediate dental needs and stop your pain
  • Provide treatment options to that will restore your smile
  • Offer follow-up care to ensure your oral health stays in great condition

Call us now at 708-578-5875 to make an appointment. For your scheduling convenience, we’re open until 6:00 p.m. at least four evenings a week.

Rely On Our Team in a Dental Emergency

In case of a dental emergency, you want the name of an experienced and qualified dentist on hand. You can rest easy by keeping our number handy. Dr. Ekpenyong completed a general dentistry residency in which he routinely provided emergency dental care for patients. He and our team will make sure you get the care you need to repair your smile.

We offer several different solutions to treat your dental emergency, including:

  • Tooth Fillings – Repair damage from cavities with a tooth-colored filling.
  • Root Canal Treatment This procedure will stop an infection and help you avoid an extraction.
  • Same-Day Crowns – If your tooth is in need of repair, our team can make a new crown while you wait.
  • Tooth Removal – If removing your tooth if necessary, your dentist will do it as gently as possible.

Plus, we help eliminate dental anxiety with several patient amenities. You can relax with soft neck pillows, cozy blankets, headphones, music, and Netflix. You can even bring your own headphones if you want.

Call Artistic Dental Centre now at 708-578-5875 to schedule an appointment with your emergency dentist in South Holland. For any non-emergencies, you can make an appointment online.

Common Questions About Dental Emergencies
Can you help with my dental emergency?

Yes, we certainly can! Call us now for any dental emergencies, and we will get you into the office as soon as possible to get you the fast help you need to feel better soon and save your smile. In many cases, this means we’ll see you the same day.

What can you do for my dental emergency?

When you come in for a dental emergency, we’ll first assess your condition to determine the next steps. Depending on your situation, we will recommend particular services to restore your smile. They may include a tooth-colored filling to repair dental decay, a dental crown to strengthen a damaged tooth, a root canal to repair an infected tooth, or a tooth extraction if we’re not able to save your tooth.

Can I prevent dental emergencies?

Anticipating every potential dental emergency is impossible, but proactive measures can lower the chances of encountering such issues. Adhering to ADA guidelines by maintaining daily oral hygiene practices like brushing and flossing, along with scheduling routine dental cleanings, minimizes the likelihood of tooth infections and gum disease. Additionally, wearing athletic mouthguards while engaging in sports activities provides added protection against dental injuries.